Thursday, June 25, 2020

Scouts Astronomer Activity Badge (24&26 June 2020)

The Astronomy Club organises a Scout Astronomy Activity Badge for the scouts on the 24 & 26 June 2020 from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m.

1. Aim of the event
·       To provide the Scouts of SST an opportunity to fulfil their Astronomy Badge requirements.
·       To provide the Astronomy Club members an opportunity to provide outreach to other CCAs.

2. Objectives of the programme
    Objectives of the Astronomer Activity Badge is spelt out in the Scouts webpage:
·       Make a model or draw a simple diagram of the solar system.
·       Explain the difference between a planet and a star.
·       Learn how to observe the sun safely. Find out and explain how the earth moves around the sun.
·       Observe the moon, using binoculars or a telescope if you can. Describe some of its features.
·       Identify three constellations.
·       Find out about two space-related subjects and present some information about them. You could find out about planets, the history of space exploration or space technology.

3. Date: 24 & 26 June 2020, 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Location: Google meet

4. Details of participants

6 Astronomy Club exco members

5 Astronomy Club Sec 1 students
19 Scouts Sec 1 and 2 students

5. Plans for future collaboration with other CCAs
The Astronomy Club also organises programmes related to but not limited to Water Rocket Launching, Fox Hunting, Optical and Radio Telescopes. 

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